Driven By Disability
Battling Chronic Illness – How Desire And Motivation Lead From Benefits To The Boardroom.

Forced to abandon her full time job as a PA, after being diagnosed with a rare and debilitating illness, Julie Woods became dependant on the state. With limited income, unable to work and battling depression brought on by her disability she faced crisis point. Highly motivated to regain financial independence and a sense of self worth, she took a step into the unknown by launching a business online.

With limited funding, very little knowledge of web design but with a huge desire to succeed, a business was born. Today that business has won awards celebrating its growth and its commitment to enabling others in her position to work for themselves.

Diagnosed with Arnold Chiari Malformation (ACM), a condition involving malformations of the brainstem, cerebellum and upper spinal chord, where the flow of crucial fluids into the brain is blocked. Julie faced complex brain surgery, leaving her in the position of having to relearn all of her basic motor functions in order to live a ‘normal’ life.

Unable to return to the workplace due to the effects of the illness, yet desperate to regain financial independence she turned to the World Wide Web. Working from home, dictating her own hours and working around her disability, Julie designed her website, liased with suppliers and built what today is one of the fastest growing drop shipping businesses in the country.

Still highly enthusiastic and motivated, Julie is in a position to encourage others whose health or disability limits their employment options. She says ‘Disability should be no barrier to those wanting to succeed. Working from home is an increasingly viable option for those with access to the internet.

The opportunity I can offer through Mystic Charms means that everybody can be their own boss and work towards achieving their dreams.’ Julie is eager to help people on disability or sickness benefit return to work, and seeks to work with the Governments ‘Pathways to Work’ scheme, which offers support to those with health conditions or disability return to employment.

Mystic Charms has recently been presented with a prestigious award from Barclays Bank, celebrating its growing success. The business offers people the opportunity to purchase an affiliate/franchise website, fully stocked with products ready for an ever growing niche market.

Support is offered via a technical help desk, as well as via the Mystic Charms Community Forum. See for details.